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by hwgmsdhmm (2020-05-28 13:56)
Два весёлых тоста:
Супруги собираются купить автомобиль. На «смотрины» они приходят вдвоем. Жену особенно прельщает низкая цена. Хозяин нахваливает своего «железного коня» и убеждает супругов его купить.
Через пару дней супруги выезжают на своем автомобиле. На соседней улице мотор глохнет и больше не поддается ни на какие «уговоры». Муж и жена, чертыхаясь, толкают свою машину к ремонтной мастерской. Муж говорит:
– Тот козел, который продал нам свою машину, кое в чем был прав.
– В чем именно? – спрашивает жена.
– В том, что эта машина почти не расходует бензина.
Давайте выпьем за то, чтобы мы всегда имели в виду, что старый автомобиль – не новый автомобиль, и располагали возможностями для покупки нового автомобиля!
Пожилой мужчина стоял на автобусной остановке, к нему подошел молодой человек и спросил:"Который час?". Мужчина на это никак не отреагировал. Парень повторил свой вопрос. Опятьмолчание. Крепко выругавшись, незнакомец ушел. Стоявший рядом человек недовольно поинтересовался:
- Ну что за манера, почему вы не ответили молодому человеку?
- Я скажу вам почему. Вот я стою здесь сам по себе и жду автобуса. Ко мне подходит парень и хочетузнать время. Допустим, я отвечу. Тогда у нас может завязаться беседа, и он предложит: "Давайвыпьем по рюмочке". Затем мы выпьем по одной и еще. Потом я предложу ему перекусить, и мыотправимся ко мне домой, пожарим себе на кухне колбасу с яйцами. В это время войдет мо дочь, и онвлюбится в нее, а она - в него. Через некоторое время они поженятся. Но зачем же такой зять, которыйне может приобрести себе часы. Так выпьем же за мужчин, которые могут приобрести себе все необходимое!
Ну как? Интересно? Ну и немножечко:
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by TomiBonz (2020-05-28 17:19)
Dubbo rider to saddle up for youth olympics
Posted on 14 September 2015 by David Farrar
The sport of riderless bicycles has just arrived on the scene. One of the few exceptions is one-wheelers such as the Segway that are already widely used in the west. The advent of the Segway in this country should cause some concern for those that rely on wheeled transport. But there are plenty of reasons why this is possible. For instance, there is ample space for riders to pedal on streets where other modes of transport can be difficult to access.
Cyclists on the Segway are limited to about 40km of road per year and that is far short of the 35km per person required by most UK cycling organisations.
We've always believed in a bike economy, rather than a bike-only economy. And as a cycling advocacy group we want to see both the Segway and other vehicles go mainstream.
So while cycling will continue to exist, we have seen an explosion in cycling advocacy since we started thinking about bikes as public transport - and this is only the beginning.
So will we find a way of supporting Segway and wheeled transport across the nation?
The answer is sure to be an emphatic yes, with the recent announcement by Oxford to invest in the development and operation of a future Segway.
The Segway is, in fact, the bike-sharing system we have been waiting for since we launched our first Segway at the 2014 UK Road Awards and it's coming to a full launch at the 2016 Bike Expo in London.
A successful Segway will provide us with a reliable and comfortable cycling alternative, without the need to worry about finding cycling-friendly places to park bikes.
The Segway is also designed to support the development of cycling hubs, a type of cycling infrastructure where bicycles may be parked along a cycle path for easy, short-term storage, but where we are keen to encourage the development of new ways of driving as well as the installation of self-driving cars, such as those designed by Uber.
We also think that bicycles would be much better placed in towns where people are already cycling rather than driving, because people are already cycling.
All roads lead to somewhere: the city, the countryside, the national parks, the shopping, the beaches, the waterfalls, and many more. A bike can often go from one place to another with ease, which leads to better connectivity and social benefits. The roads that lead to that destination are also the most direct routes for public transport, often without the need to cycle between them.
You can buy a Segway for just £1,600 from a range of retailers including Salsa, H & L Bikeworks, Jan
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Cash crisis affecting port players. See below.
A major port of entry for the international passenger ship fleet in India is the port of Chennai, now officially dubbed as the "Hindu World" (HW). The Mumbai Port was built to take in passenger ships, and then as port of entry for the Indian Air Force and army. The port is now being built to serve the foreign fleet's aircraft as well.
In a few months time, HW and Chennai will both close their ports to domestic trade as well. Indian Navy ships will be passing through the port of Mumbai for repairs after the Indian navy's fleet of six frigates is decommissioned. These ships are still equipped with Indian-made radars, so the new US Naval base at Djibouti has been constructed, and will house hundreds of them, for the time being. At the same time, Indian and US Navy ships are about to begin operating at the naval base. In May of 2013, US Navy ships will be operating from Djibouti for operations in the Indian Ocean and, eventually, in the Persian Gulf.
HW has a port that's been in operation since the 1950s and that's about to hit a serious capacity crunch. According to an article in The Nation, HW is facing a situation so dire that the port needs to be completely re-maintained and its main facilities upgraded for its future needs. In fact, the United States Congress is currently studying whether to shut down HW for as long as 18 months to save money, but, ultimately, if US Navy ships stay in the Indian Ocean, a shutdown to the port could mean a large number of ships may not be able to make it through its main ports.
If this were to happen, the biggest effect would be in ports as a whole. Port of India, Jeddah, Ahmedabad (and its surrounding port city, Bangalore) would be among those shut down by 2015 if the government does not re-open this port by then (according to an article in India Today).
According to this article, Indian port services are suffering in part because of these problems:
…the capacity crisis in port terminals is an important factor in the deteriorating security situation at the port. If the security problem is not fixed by next year, the port will be forced to close at the end of the month.
The article goes on to point out that these "security threats" would cause port services to slow down, causing a serious financial impact. This may also lead to more ships leaving for Karachi and other port cities, which would decrease the traffic for India's trans-Pacific route. At a time when the US is planning to build another naval base in Djibouti, this could furthe
by Vernonbuh (2020-05-30 21:41)
by MarinaSem (2020-05-30 22:22)
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by furnitopiaThava (2020-05-30 23:34)
Actu proposals wont create jobs acci-dent from the jobs they create. There are only 3,400 positions in Vancouver, and those 3,400 positions would have generated around 18,000 jobs. The proposed "jobs council" is based on the idea that the city's population could grow by as much as 100%, with little job creation. However, the job market would be far worse because of the current low wage environment.
According to a study by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives the BC government's projected job growth for 2016-2026 would fall somewhere in the neighborhood of 10,000 or less.
Inefficient policy by not providing the kind of job creation which is necessary to restore the fortunes of those whose hard work and investments have resulted in a job.
Phili spratleys is a popular salad with tomatoes, cucumbers and avocado. You can use any of them. Make it vegetarian by sauteing the radishes and chicken in 1 tbsp olive oil and add the radishes and chicken and mix well, then add more of the oil and mix thoroughly.
You can also make this with the fresh basil leaves, fresh oregano or basil leaf powder or chopped herbs. So if you have any basil leaves, feel free to add them too.
How to Make Spatley-Dumplings with Spatley
Sauce the radishes and chicken to perfection before frying them. In a deep pan, saute garlic, mushrooms and green pepper. Add to the oil and allow to brown. Add in the radishes, pepper and a bit more olive oil, stir and fry the radishes until they become golden, soft, cooked through and the meat falls apart. It will probably take a little while and you might even think it has come out of the chicken. Add more olive oil and continue to saute until the chicken is done too. Add in half of the water and bring the pan to a boil. You want the oil to boil off the chicken and so don't get too close to it as it will burn. It will take maybe 15-20 minutes.
Garnish with scallions and chopped onions and serve hot.
4. Radishes, Green Peppers & Jalapenos + Avocado
2 onions, peeled and finely chopped
3 green peppers, chopped
2 zucchini, chopped
1 green bell pepper
1 red bell pepper
200g dried chickpeas, drained
125g sliced tomatoes
5 g extra virgin olive oil
1 tsp fish sauce
A pinch of salt
A small slice of lemon wedge
A sprinkle of garlic powder
Bowl or pizza crust (or two) (optional)
2 tsp lemon juice
Heat oil in a pan over medium heat. Add onions and stir until they start to brown.
Add green peppers and zucchini to the pan, stirring every couple of minutes. Add olive oil, fish sauce, salt and fresh garlic powder.
Add the chickpeas, tomatoes and chickpea mixture.
Cover and reduce the heat to medium-low and keep uncovered for about 20 minutes. Cook the cooked chickpeas until they are just tender and cooked through.
Add the oil and heat another medium-low heat. Add the chicken, bell pepper and jalapenos. Stir for 3-5 minutes. You don't want to break the chicken, i
by Vernonbuh (2020-05-31 14:02)
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by RickeyKat (2020-06-01 20:35)
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by tablets (2020-06-01 22:49)
Фильмы и сериалы 2017-2018-2019 годов
by ArnoldHouro (2020-06-02 06:39)
Nt trucking industry looks on the bright side. Despite the bad economic news, truckers continue to put in more and longer hours. One-third of the men and one-third of the women said they would like to be truckers for life, with a further 19% saying they would like to be truckers until they die.
The British newspaper The Independent carried this statistic in its coverage of the survey.
One of the key factors that people can attribute to the fact they have moved to London from the countryside (60% of truckers) is that they want their children to move there. While almost 70% of the women said they wanted to live and work in London as a child, when asked about whether they would want their children to do so too, just 35% of the men agreed.
The survey suggests that trucking may be in for the long haul: over 80% of those planning to move to London believe that London should become more competitive with other world cities.
One-in-five (19%) of those planning to move to London as a child agree that the city should be more competitive with cities around the world, as do more than half (54%) of those from India who are currently planning to move to London.
On the flip side, about a quarter of all truckers (25%) think that truck drivers should live in London.
It should be noted that just over half (54%) of truckers think that the number of jobs should be made more competitive, rather than less, with the other half (51%) saying that the city should be more competitive with other cities.
London drivers are over represented amongst workers from all over the world, although truckers in particular are more represented within the UK than with other industrial nations. A year ago, a survey showed that trucking employees from the UK were almost 20 times more likely to live in London than employees from non-EU countries.
A number of factors have been behind this phenomenon:
London is currently home to many top-tier business. There are no signs of that changing anytime soon, however, although it remains the capital of the UK and a key trading hub, as well as the UK's second largest port.
Londoners are the biggest customers of Uber, the most popular app for car-hailing in the UK. This is perhaps not surprising given that taxi services are the largest business in London. In addition, Uber's app is used by more than half of people commuting to work by car.
There are other major players in the transportation sector. One of them is Google, whose self-driving cars are regularly deployed on London's roads, as well as Google's Street View Streetlens project, which allows users to use high
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by Vernonbuh (2020-06-02 21:55)
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by moiJap (2020-06-03 06:55)
Наш знаменитый холдинг безграничным навыком в сфере производства телеинспекция трубопроводов и дополнительно производственных услуг, компания является производителем высококачественных работ для большинства ведущих фирм в стране. Наши сегодняшние квалифицированные услуги по телеинспекция каналов легкодоступны в Клинцы, затем чтобы оказать экономически действенность решения с целью всех разновидностей объектов. Наш специализированный холдинг для вас изготовление, современное строительство, ввода в эксплуатацию и поддержки. Консультационные услуги по моментам монтирования и цены их задач. Мы работаем как в угоду невеликих, так и в угоду крупных объектов, реализуя методы для произвольного фирмы где необходимы оборудование для телеинспекции скважин. Наше специализированное предприятие всегда готова предоставить знающий обслуживающий персонал в целях монтирования телеинспекция трубопроводов цена на предприятие заказчика. Как только лично вы выбираете нашу компании в качестве исполнителя, вы получите организацию с совершенным ассортиментом сервисных услуг.
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by TamaraVuh (2021-09-10 09:37)